With the furore of last weekends preparation for our race on Wednesday night this review didn’t get completed. Not one to forget our amazing runners if I can help it – the story will be told…
Sunday, Sunday…
The end of the week.
Again we contemplate what has been…
Midweek races battled with track session for numbers. High numbers at both. Local and distant 5k events drew many away. Seafront miles produced many smiles. Pleasant conditions led to decent times amongst the large numbers. Away from home one didn’t want to miss out and booked in a race to complete the same distance.
Thursday saw a number head up the Bwlch for a testing session that always results in praise from those who dare to tackle the inclines!
Give me a ‘p’, give me an ‘a’, give me an ‘r’… you know where I’m going with this. It’s Saturday morning and it wouldn’t be the same without it. Home and away the Phoenix collected their tokens and were scanned. Some came back with inspirational stories, not uncommon with the wide range of ages and abilities taking part.
One took on the challenge of racing equine opponents and whilst not victorious recorded impressive results on a notoriously tough course.
Goodbye Saturday, hello Sunday.
The traverse from North Wales to South Wales broken into stages drew a couple of our midst away from home to represent a local squad with admirable results.
One headed north to run, ride and row around a multi-discipline course with incredible results worthy of accolade.
Several teams headed to the golf course, working together to represent the Phoenix on a tough little course. Bunker Hill failed to claim any victims with admirable results from all, yet again!
One cycled long distance locally coming back with the rewards for their efforts.
With high numbers on the trails and epic performances from our Zero to Hero improvers completing their full 10k, training sessions enjoyed large numbers once again!
What a week!
Everyone keeping busy with their running…
Everyone sharing experiences as we continue to turn up to events in significant numbers!
Well done guys – stick with it!