A week on from our wonderful Christmas knees up we’re back to what binds us… running!
Weather again is our nemesis. Numbers heading out of the door to training improve slightly but the darker, colder nights still keep some indoors.
Christmas is coming.
Responsibilities shift.
Families are so important at this time of year and demands at home keep some from training. We know you’re there in spirit but some things are more important and quite rightly so. We’ll all still be here when demands change again.
The weekend arrived and the weather worsened. Cold. Wet. Windy. Undeterred, The Phoenix still had to meet their constitutional requirements and parkruns abound. Home and away. Battling the elements was the order of the day but despite that for the very first time in our history we saw a first, second and third Ogmore Phoenix placing at a home event. A unique and impressive outcome that is worthy of celebration. Although parkrun, fundamental to it’s ethos, is not about winning or losing, an opportunity to register a significant placing is one that most of us would covet. We are proud of this achievement at the same time as celebrating all those who stood on the start line at 9am on Saturday. No matter how long it takes we salute all our runners for just stepping out of the door in their trainers.
Some went the extra mile on Saturday and donned Santa outfits to brave the extreme elements hitting the coast to the west. With smiles aplenty mother natures worst didn’t deter maximum effort from those who took on the challenge.
Overnight it calmed.
Brighter skies.
Elevated temperatures.
OK, it’s worth saying it’s not tropical but a few degrees make a lot of difference at this time of year.
Numbers travelled east down the A48. Not to play golf but to run where the sport is played. Significant numbers dressed in festive attire headed off road to circumnavigate the greens in this Cracker that proves to be increasingly popular year on year.
Others found a route which is familiar as one of our home parkruns for a fun run dressed in festive gear and enjoyed it immensely.
While all of this goes on our volunteers continue to support our recently graduated heroes continuing their running journey.
All the while collections take place within our midst to provide much needed supplies for those within our community who found themselves without shelter during the festive season. Providing things for those who haven’t from those of us who have.
Another weekend draws to a close and despite the demands of family and home-life most still manage to fit their runs in. For those who can’t we reach out and remind them that we know that life demands a great deal and often takes them away from the sport that we love. It should go without saying that when the demands of life outside club ease we are always here and will welcome all back with welcome arms when time allows.
We enter the final week in the build up to the big day.
The man in red with the white beard prepares for his annual journey.
No matter what you wished for we hope that all enjoy a happy build up to the big day.
The Phoenix continues to spread its wings and spread joy wherever it flies.
Fly high my friends.