What a week!
Having only just said farewell to storm Ciara, Dennis was on the horizon.
Training sessions went ahead during the week with slightly diminished numbers from previous as conditions proved to be erratic. Saying that, many battled the elements and made it out of the door and we are proud of their determination to continue their training in the face of adversity.
parkruns were cancelled left, right and centre. Perhaps parkswim might have been a better name for it this weekend. Many still found their way to a start line and got their constitutional runs in.
For some the week has all been about preparations for Saturday.
Presentation Night.
Covering running during 2019.
What a year it’s been!
A room was dressed to make it sparkle in true Ogmore Phoenix social commitee style!
Members convened to celebrate the achievements of the many.
We laughed.
We cried.
It’s been an emotional journey for many and to relive that and celebrate it brought it all the fore.
We remember the training miles.
We remember the pain.
We remember the cameraderie and support.
We remember the races.
The failures. The successes.
We remember digging deep.
We celebrate those who excelled. For whatever reason.
Accomplishments are not always about time.
Often they are about endeavour and that is to be celebrated too.
We are proud.
We are proud of our Phoenix family’s endevours and look forward to what the new decade will bring!
As Storm Dennis rolled in and put pay to any further training some managed to get out and train.
We spare a thought for those affected by the horrendous floods that Dennis has left in it’s wake. We hope that the worst is over and those who are in need manage to get the help they so dearly need.
We run. In that process we bond. As we build those bonds we learn. We learn to look out for each other. Looking out for each other extends beyond the running. It makes us better people.
Look out for each other.
Pertinent to the moment, be kind.
Signing off on an amazing week and looking forward to excitement to the new.
New adventures.
New dreams.
As always, and ever so slightly more than usual…