Weekly Waffle – 4th November 2018

Weekends come, weekends go…

Saturday this week saw a large attendance at parkruns dotted all over the country.  Local venues  hosted a large club contingent for two significant club milestones…  Torn, members headed to the sea while others headed up the Llynfi Valley.  The former a 250 celebration.  The latter a 100 celebration with halloween themed attire on the menu.  Both were attended and celebrated in style.

Sunday brought about a local memorial event which always attracts our members in great number and today was no exception.  Our “hills are friends” mantra is one which gets replayed many times during this event – although the last 3k, all downhill, is always a great end to a race!

A week on from almost a fifth of our membership heading north for a tough marathon we saw a significant racing presence once again.  And, once again, we are proud.

That pride swells as we see another increase in the attendance of our heroes on their running journeys, still committed to turning up every week to improve on last weeks endeavours.

An impressive set of weekend running achievements!

May I take this opportunity to remind all that the club is entirely run by volunteers.  Wonderful people who give up their time week in, week out to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.  For their time and commitment we are eternally grateful.  We also understand that sometimes life situations change and the levels of commitment they can provide change accordingly.  

As the club grows and develops we always welcome members offering their time, however much that may be, to help make things run smoothly.  However small the contribution it is very much appreciated by all who benefit from it.

As the evenings get darker and the temperatures drop the Phoenix remains resilient.  

Running, supporting, training and volunteering!

Let’s see what next week brings!



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