Again, It’s been a while since the last update.
The “weekly waffle” is swiftly becoming monthly and that defeats the object!
The idea was always to review the weeks antics while still fresh in the mind!
Without any further ado…
We’ve parkrunned (if that’s actually a word). Here, there and everywhere! Home and, as always, away. Tourism always on the increase. We’ve seen the Big Community Relay golden baton, now nicknamed BattyMcBatonface, be collected from afar and returned to Porthcawl for it’s final official week and now being chaperoned around all the local parkruns. We’ve seen epic PB’s and huge turnouts and gritty performances. The beauty of parkrun is there’s no pressure. Whatever your goal, it is accommodated. It fits perfectly with our ethos and hence we turn out on Saturday morning in our droves.
A big group headed east to cross the Bridge over the River Severn. Donning face paint and bright colours they enjoyed a race with a fantastic atmosphere that typifies the kind of event we all enjoy.
A couple headed to trails in the capital to complete a half marathon.
Our event count record breaker notched up another event and despite the name he he wasn’t terrified by what Twmbarlwn threw at him.
The annual event series, again in the Welsh capital, that raises awareness of mens health issues drew a number to take part in the 10k race around Bute Park.
Another ultra around the Gower resulted in an incredible result for one half of a couple while the other recorded an equally impressive result in a 10k at the same location supported by a canine friend. The variety of events we take part in continues to grow!
A slog around Sodbury saw trail enthusiasts clock up an impressive set of results to further their standings in the annual championships.
Another ultra attracted two of our number to the Beacons as they went OTT and got a bit lost causing much hilarity and added extra interest to a race that saw both recalling their stories and photos of a great day with enthusiasm. It doesn’t have to be about racing to reap the rewards of an event!
Another local event in a series that our members have come to love saw record numbers stand on the start line ahead of multiple loops of the course with multiple distances covered. A great deal of fun was had by all. Another event clocked up on a challenge for one.
One raced 10k to the moon and clocked up a fantastic result.
A double marathon for one, back to back, and joined on the second day by another member, saw a challenge target almost reached!
A popular club 10 miler drew significant numbers down west to Pembrey with mightily impressive results recorded.
A small group travelled north to tackle a hilly half and came away with stories to tell.
Cross Country league fixtures saw very impressive team effort from the Phoenix.
Some of our number were selected to represent South Wales in a fixture in Brecon. Another reason for the club to stand proud.
Just one headed east for the second running of the race to cross the River Severn in the same month.
Gloucester was the destination for a trio to complete a 10k.
As the end of the month arrived another marathon marked the end of a challenge to complete 19 in 2019. An enjoyable event that heralded the start of a well earned rest!
A 10k under dark skies was the target for one notching another event on his impressive tally.
Overseas events are something we see on occasion and this time Valencia was the destination for a couple with both setting significant PB’s over two distances.
And then to today. With the festive season finally upon us we saw a big crowd head down to our local beauty spot in Merthyr Mawr for the annual Pudding Run. Always a great race. Always a great atmosphere and a lot of fun. With the Big Dipper climb to start it’s a toughie with a huge mixture of terrain and always loved by those who take it on. Stories of mulled wine and mince pies accompanied those of the run itself. Mutual support between clubs crowning the enjoyment of the day!
For a month where the nights draw in and moods can dip we saw a great deal of running! Excellent running too.
A huge well done to all.
We are approaching the season of good will. As I like to do on many occasions I ask you to please remember those in our midst who are unable to run with us at the moment. At this time of year they should be foremost in our minds. If there’s someone you haven’t seen at training, a race or parkrun for a while please drop them a message and check all is OK. Reach out.
We are a week away from our annual celebration of the festive season and the party preparation is almost done. A time for us to sit down together as the Phoenix Family for our Christmas Dinner and share in an evening of entertainment and fun. An evening not involving running – even though it is running that brought us together.
Keep running. Keep smiling. Keep looking out for each other.